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Introducing Atalan

Access to Access Lab Network

Laboratory medicine is foundational healthcare. Test results inform 70% of medical decisions and outcomes. Yet many doctors and regional hospitals don’t have access to the expertise in leading laboratories.

Laboratory medicine has evolved – and access is evolving, too. Atalan is a technology-enabled clinical partnership providing doctors and medical centers unprecedented access to the nation’s foremost clinical laboratories.

Our Solutions

Access Hub

Built and led by leading clinical laboratorians in America, Atalan’s collaborative services are delivered through a comprehensive platform, bringing unparalleled access to innovative diagnostics. Providers, medical centers, community hospitals and health systems can utilize tools and dashboards to tap into laboratories participating in the Atalan network and monitor lab testing activity.

A pathologist in a facemark looks through a microscope

Access Outreach

Grounded in an understanding of the needs and challenges in the laboratory ecosystem, Access Outreach gives physicians, hospital systems and laboratorians a powerful and intuitive web portal solution for rapidly onboarding clients who need outreach lab orders and results delivery.

Atalan logo icon in the middle of colored squares connecting back to it

Recent News & Insights

The Keys to a Successful Lab Partnership

Atalan CEO Steve Sirota, TriCore CEO Robin Divine and TriCore Chief Operating Officer Eric Carbonneau hosted a virtual webinar on best practices for laboratories…

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Atalan Partner News: Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories Named 2024 Lab of the Year Runner Up

Wisconsin Diagnostic Laboratories (WDL) is one of the recipients of Medical Laboratory Observer’s 2024 Lab of the Year Runner Up Awards. WDL is located…

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Don’t Sell Your Lab, Grow Your Lab: Atalan Featured in G2 Intelligence Webinar

Atalan CEO Steve Serota and Chief Financial Officer Robin Herbner hosted a virtual webinar on how labs can reimagine infrastructure utilization through collaboration to…

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